The members of the Front National de la Meurthe-et-Moselle, the Departmental Secretary and the officers want to Lorraine and Lorraine, a happy and holy Christmas with my family and for those who are alone sick or a little happiness and comfort.
off to enjoy the simple joy of hearing the bells of our churches ring the stroke of midnight!
The members of the Front National de la Meurthe-et-Moselle, the Departmental Secretary and the officers want to Lorraine and Lorraine, a happy and holy Christmas with my family and for those who are alone sick or a little happiness and comfort.
off to enjoy the simple joy of hearing the bells of our churches ring the stroke of midnight!
The Regional Council of Lorraine casualty of global warming!
Once again the arrival of snow in winter takes the government off guard with an absolute mess on the roads in contradiction to the soothing of the Minister of the Interior. When he falls
few flakes in Lorraine, the activity ceases to the point that Jean-Pierre MASSERET, Chairman of the Regional Council of Lorraine, is forced to cancel the standing committee on December 17 morning for fear of not being able have a quorum in the Chamber.
Until next meeting, Dec. 22, before the magic of Christmas, find a moment our child's soul and ponder these words of the Canadian novelist Antonine Maillet: "Snow has this secret to the heart in one breath naive joy as the years have ruthlessly snatched him. " Jean-Luc
MANOURY, Vice-Chairperson FN Regional Council of Lorraine.
The Regional Council of Lorraine casualty of global warming!
Once again the arrival of snow in winter takes the government off guard with an absolute mess on the roads in contradiction to the soothing of the Minister of the Interior. When he falls
few flakes in Lorraine, the activity ceases to the point that Jean-Pierre MASSERET, Chairman of the Regional Council of Lorraine, is forced to cancel the standing committee on December 17 morning for fear of not being able have a quorum in the Chamber.
Until next meeting, Dec. 22, before the magic of Christmas, find a moment our child's soul and ponder these words of the Canadian novelist Antonine Maillet: "Snow has this secret to the heart in one breath naive joy as the years have ruthlessly snatched him. " Jean-Luc
MANOURY, Vice-Chairperson FN Regional Council of Lorraine.
After multiple robberies, burglaries, arson of a bank in downtown Jarville in October 2010 we learned from the press that the Republican Company Security 39, near the city of Nancy, could move in Moselle in 2011 to replace the soldiers of the 1st Regiment Medical Chatel-Saint-Germain near Metz.
90% of the 175 military personnel and the SRC 39 are against the relocation with the unions that have sought MORANO Minister and UMP in the constituency, still waiting for a response since May 2010.
One learns that in the East Republican for 10 years over 2 million euros were injected into the renovation of premises of that company last year with 150,000 euros in the heating system with result in one of the lowest operating costs among 61 CRS France. His departure will create an additional operating cost for the motorway police Champigneulles who was repairing his vehicle and could also be restored and for companies to pass on a mission of policing.
National Front denounced the waste of public money and notes that this decision is a continuation of the policy for years: the disappearance of the army, police, gendarmerie and lack of clarity in terms of internal and external security. Nicolas SARKOZY in 2004 as Minister of Interior had initiated a reform of bodies and careers, primarily intended to increase the size of land that will be under 10,000 in 2012.
MANOURY Jean-Luc, Member of Central Committee, Vice-Chairperson FN Regional Council of Lorraine.
After multiple robberies, burglaries, arson of a bank in downtown Jarville in October 2010 we learned from the press that the Republican Company Security 39, near the city of Nancy, could move in Moselle in 2011 to replace the soldiers of the 1st Regiment Medical Chatel-Saint-Germain near Metz.
90% of the 175 military personnel and the SRC 39 are against the relocation with the unions that have sought MORANO Minister and UMP in the constituency, still waiting for a response since May 2010.
One learns that in the East Republican for 10 years over 2 million euros were injected into the renovation of premises of that company last year with 150,000 euros in the heating system with result in one of the lowest operating costs among 61 CRS France. His departure will create an additional operating cost for the motorway police Champigneulles who was repairing his vehicle and could also be restored and for companies to pass on a mission of policing.
National Front denounced the waste of public money and notes that this decision is a continuation of the policy for years: the disappearance of the army, police, gendarmerie and lack of clarity in terms of internal and external security. Nicolas SARKOZY in 2004 as Minister of Interior had initiated a reform of bodies and careers, primarily intended to increase the size of land that will be under 10,000 in 2012.
MANOURY Jean-Luc, Member of Central Committee, Vice-Chairperson FN Regional Council of Lorraine.
the policy debate Budget and the budget that follows is the major political act of any executive, because through the receipts and expenditures selected, the majority defines the policy it intends to pursue.
In this introductory report of 55 pages we are asked to discuss, advise on projects, without having any evidence overall budget.
other words, we do not know where it goes, but it would rule on the interest of the trip.
This report is whether a particular context of institutional change in 2014, he Whether the tax reform which we see the first consequences or even the continuing economic crisis.
First we will kill local democracy with the election of a territorial councilor elected is elected in two rounds, to the detriment of democratic pluralism, to the detriment of the representation of all regional components and above all with the avowed aim of making disappear the National Front regional assemblies.
The most serious is that the decline of local democracy is a dangerous double down "decentralization "To eliminate what Sarkozy considers" local-cons' and 'small barons'.
and then again in the context of this open debate on the budget guidelines, the announced reform of business tax. It was true that a tax on the investment and encourage the relocation of our business but without real compensation that tax our community will be deprived of any leverage. Yes we
massacre of local democracy and despite the constitutional recognition of the principle of free administration of territorial recognition is violated, trampled by a small foot president who tries in vain to gain height. Finally
a dire economic situation with almost 10% of job seekers and a 40% increase in one year or interim 22000 in September. In 2004, you had to be the president of the re-industrialization, the President of the job but after 7 years of socialism in Lorraine is worsening injustice, precarious jobs and the impoverishment of workers.
Before the dark clouds gathering over the Lorraine region, you held this year in charge guidance document your budget slices. It certainly was to show that you had made efforts to structure your approach.
This is really in your favor?
You've laid the foundation of your work around 4 axes after 13 when they were big projects, 8 in other budgets and whatnot!
Finally, only theme changes to give the appearance of novelty, you knit and unravel the plans of your reports for the sole beauty of the gesture, as if our work is more than just looking for you as a kind of part monte where it is constantly changing the order of sentences to give the appearance of novelty.
But the reality of the new? Never
And besides, it would be the point?
Thanks to this method, hocus-pocus, you authorize us to reused the same dish each year simply to accommodate you in a different way and linking it with a sauce or more less rich.
This indeed is six years we are taught each year as the region's ambition, that the territories are the engine of development, green economy that will put an end to unemployment, as new forms of solidarity are being built. I can continue to list the phrases, the phrases. As
page 6 of the report, or it says " developing a regional strategy for development of Lorraine gives more responsibility than authority. This responsibility is both to share regional issues with all the actors on the regional territory and to mobilize its own policies to address these issues " A Boileau for whom "what is well conceived is clearly" you prefer the poems of Paul Valery to the phrases over and over again indolent pace, the feeling of a lazy apathy assumed.
All this has been successful 6 years but how will you also 4 years with little innovation to offer. Here we examine your policy planning but I searched in vain for this ambitious Lorraine.
National Front as a constructive opposition in the House, played the game to be a genuine force and to offer proposals to the Regional Council Lorraine fruits of his reflections.
For example, in October 2008 during a debate on building a city of European standing Lorraine had issued a doubt because I saw a watermark concentrations of population, urbanism conqueror, disfiguring the landscape, with ghettos in some areas like New York with the resulting insecurity and a crisis with environmental pollution of air, water and soil and I was asking whether this design was metropolisation still relevant and necessary for the development of our territories.
Spatial the common area was in my 4 problems to be solved perennial
First infrastructure because it is fine to have solved the problem of a saturated A31 is now a hindrance to the smooth flow of trade and initiate rapid realization of interconnection station TGV TER VandiĂšres.
Then the establishment of businesses that can install if these infrastructures are present, if the land is serviced, the price per m2 is not prohibitive and competitive compared to other regions. It will rely
SME and SOHO account for 9 out of 10 institutions and weigh heavily in the regional economy as it currently creates 50% of the value added and 45% of regional employment with nearly 80,000 establishments.
Then an offer of habitat in a protected environment.
Demography is too low I wrote the need to attract new residents, especially young with attractive prices compared to Nancy or Metz taking into account if necessary reversibility of farmland in a process of environmental protection. Finally offer in terms of quality of life by focusing on the development of services such as childcare and services to the person or on the cultural (cinema, theater, concert hall) and to show concern for the environment, defense of maintaining the harmony of the landscape.
These remarks, made two years ago are still relevant.
The National Front has always made great efforts to amend your proposal as a more interventionist regional and encourage you to undertake structural adjustments, able define flow irrigators economic activity Lorraine to create conditions for economic prosperity and always for the sake of equality between rural and urban.
The land we believe is linked to wealth creation, launching major structural projects for building new public facilities.
The Malthusian approach that is common at your school of thought is to share poverty rather than wealth creation has shown that the opposite could be harmful.
ideology that led to 35 hours following the fallacy that the amount of work available is finite, the only solution to offer everyone would share it.
aberration Your decentralization is to consider that France has reached its optimum equipment and it would suffice to change the distribution. This scheme
archaic and outdated, this pattern which dates back to 1960 that you follow from your arrival at the head of the region. It does not boosts disaster area by transferring equipment, government, companies that made the richness of a neighbor.
What I am saying is that in France we lack housing, jobs, we run businesses.
So should we only distribute them otherwise? Certainly not! We must let those who thrive in areas where they are necessarily developed and we must encourage the creation of new territories that do not.
is what must be a responsible land use, development of abundance.
Georges Clemenceau said: "We must know what we want. When we know it must have the courage to say. When we say, we must have the courage to do "
the policy debate Budget and the budget that follows is the major political act of any executive, because through the receipts and expenditures selected, the majority defines the policy it intends to pursue.
In this introductory report of 55 pages we are asked to discuss, advise on projects, without having any evidence overall budget.
other words, we do not know where it goes, but it would rule on the interest of the trip.
This report is whether a particular context of institutional change in 2014, he Whether the tax reform which we see the first consequences or even the continuing economic crisis.
First we will kill local democracy with the election of a territorial councilor elected is elected in two rounds, to the detriment of democratic pluralism, to the detriment of the representation of all regional components and above all with the avowed aim of making disappear the National Front regional assemblies.
The most serious is that the decline of local democracy is a dangerous double down "decentralization "To eliminate what Sarkozy considers" local-cons' and 'small barons'.
and then again in the context of this open debate on the budget guidelines, the announced reform of business tax. It was true that a tax on the investment and encourage the relocation of our business but without real compensation that tax our community will be deprived of any leverage. Yes we
massacre of local democracy and despite the constitutional recognition of the principle of free administration of territorial recognition is violated, trampled by a small foot president who tries in vain to gain height. Finally
a dire economic situation with almost 10% of job seekers and a 40% increase in one year or interim 22000 in September. In 2004, you had to be the president of the re-industrialization, the President of the job but after 7 years of socialism in Lorraine is worsening injustice, precarious jobs and the impoverishment of workers.
Before the dark clouds gathering over the Lorraine region, you held this year in charge guidance document your budget slices. It certainly was to show that you had made efforts to structure your approach.
This is really in your favor?
You've laid the foundation of your work around 4 axes after 13 when they were big projects, 8 in other budgets and whatnot!
Finally, only theme changes to give the appearance of novelty, you knit and unravel the plans of your reports for the sole beauty of the gesture, as if our work is more than just looking for you as a kind of part monte where it is constantly changing the order of sentences to give the appearance of novelty.
But the reality of the new? Never
And besides, it would be the point?
Thanks to this method, hocus-pocus, you authorize us to reused the same dish each year simply to accommodate you in a different way and linking it with a sauce or more less rich.
This indeed is six years we are taught each year as the region's ambition, that the territories are the engine of development, green economy that will put an end to unemployment, as new forms of solidarity are being built. I can continue to list the phrases, the phrases. As
page 6 of the report, or it says " developing a regional strategy for development of Lorraine gives more responsibility than authority. This responsibility is both to share regional issues with all the actors on the regional territory and to mobilize its own policies to address these issues " A Boileau for whom "what is well conceived is clearly" you prefer the poems of Paul Valery to the phrases over and over again indolent pace, the feeling of a lazy apathy assumed.
All this has been successful 6 years but how will you also 4 years with little innovation to offer. Here we examine your policy planning but I searched in vain for this ambitious Lorraine.
National Front as a constructive opposition in the House, played the game to be a genuine force and to offer proposals to the Regional Council Lorraine fruits of his reflections.
For example, in October 2008 during a debate on building a city of European standing Lorraine had issued a doubt because I saw a watermark concentrations of population, urbanism conqueror, disfiguring the landscape, with ghettos in some areas like New York with the resulting insecurity and a crisis with environmental pollution of air, water and soil and I was asking whether this design was metropolisation still relevant and necessary for the development of our territories.
Spatial the common area was in my 4 problems to be solved perennial
First infrastructure because it is fine to have solved the problem of a saturated A31 is now a hindrance to the smooth flow of trade and initiate rapid realization of interconnection station TGV TER VandiĂšres.
Then the establishment of businesses that can install if these infrastructures are present, if the land is serviced, the price per m2 is not prohibitive and competitive compared to other regions. It will rely
SME and SOHO account for 9 out of 10 institutions and weigh heavily in the regional economy as it currently creates 50% of the value added and 45% of regional employment with nearly 80,000 establishments.
Then an offer of habitat in a protected environment.
Demography is too low I wrote the need to attract new residents, especially young with attractive prices compared to Nancy or Metz taking into account if necessary reversibility of farmland in a process of environmental protection. Finally offer in terms of quality of life by focusing on the development of services such as childcare and services to the person or on the cultural (cinema, theater, concert hall) and to show concern for the environment, defense of maintaining the harmony of the landscape.
These remarks, made two years ago are still relevant.
The National Front has always made great efforts to amend your proposal as a more interventionist regional and encourage you to undertake structural adjustments, able define flow irrigators economic activity Lorraine to create conditions for economic prosperity and always for the sake of equality between rural and urban.
The land we believe is linked to wealth creation, launching major structural projects for building new public facilities.
The Malthusian approach that is common at your school of thought is to share poverty rather than wealth creation has shown that the opposite could be harmful.
ideology that led to 35 hours following the fallacy that the amount of work available is finite, the only solution to offer everyone would share it.
aberration Your decentralization is to consider that France has reached its optimum equipment and it would suffice to change the distribution. This scheme
archaic and outdated, this pattern which dates back to 1960 that you follow from your arrival at the head of the region. It does not boosts disaster area by transferring equipment, government, companies that made the richness of a neighbor.
What I am saying is that in France we lack housing, jobs, we run businesses.
So should we only distribute them otherwise? Certainly not! We must let those who thrive in areas where they are necessarily developed and we must encourage the creation of new territories that do not.
is what must be a responsible land use, development of abundance.
Georges Clemenceau said: "We must know what we want. When we know it must have the courage to say. When we say, we must have the courage to do "
Victims of successive increases in cigarette prices, the tobacconists 'High Country', have suffered very significant losses of revenues up 30% or less had to cease their business activities.
Yet the 32,000 retail tobacconists in France, particularly those located in villages of less than 2000 inhabitants are the first network of local shops often by overcoming the disengagement of the State public services (sale of postage or revenue stamps ... ).
Daniel Dervin, secretary of the 7th district and Jean-Luc MANOURY, Departmental Secretary, denounced the new blow to the profession in the draft supplementary budget presented on November 17 in Council of Ministers. Indeed under pressure from the European Commission, on behalf of the dogma of the free movement of goods and "free and undistorted competition", the government will remove the legal restrictions on the purchase of tobacco abroad is 5 cartridges in Luxembourg. To achieve compliance, the government "proposes to abolish the tax code any notion of quantity" which will increase smuggling and competition from neighboring countries.
Only the National Front because he wants a review from the national and local tax burden on the profession to reflect services rendered to the place of state and secondly to restore the checks at internal borders of the European Union will defend the economic activity of tobacconists in border which has always been very attached. Jean-Luc
MANOURY, Vice-Chairperson National Front Regional Council of Lorraine
Victims of successive increases in cigarette prices, the tobacconists 'High Country', have suffered very significant losses of revenues up 30% or less had to cease their business activities.
Yet the 32,000 retail tobacconists in France, particularly those located in villages of less than 2000 inhabitants are the first network of local shops often by overcoming the disengagement of the State public services (sale of postage or revenue stamps ... ).
Daniel Dervin, secretary of the 7th district and Jean-Luc MANOURY, Departmental Secretary, denounced the new blow to the profession in the draft supplementary budget presented on November 17 in Council of Ministers. Indeed under pressure from the European Commission, on behalf of the dogma of the free movement of goods and "free and undistorted competition", the government will remove the legal restrictions on the purchase of tobacco abroad is 5 cartridges in Luxembourg. To achieve compliance, the government "proposes to abolish the tax code any notion of quantity" which will increase smuggling and competition from neighboring countries.
Only the National Front because he wants a review from the national and local tax burden on the profession to reflect services rendered to the place of state and secondly to restore the checks at internal borders of the European Union will defend the economic activity of tobacconists in border which has always been very attached. Jean-Luc
MANOURY, Vice-Chairperson National Front Regional Council of Lorraine
Jean-Luc MANOURY, Vice-President National Front group in the Lorraine Regional Council, Departmental Secretary and members his departmental office have great sadness to inform you of the death occurred November 10, 2010 at the age of 80 years
Commander John Thomas Holder
National Order of Merit
Honorary Secretary of the 7th riding
Awarded the honor of Flame FN
All our heartfelt condolences to his family in this terrible ordeal.
The funeral will take place Saturday, November 13th at 14:30 to Fresnois-la-Montagne (54260)
Jean-Luc MANOURY, Vice-President National Front group in the Lorraine Regional Council, Departmental Secretary and members his departmental office have great sadness to inform you of the death occurred November 10, 2010 at the age of 80 years
Commander John Thomas Holder
National Order of Merit
Honorary Secretary of the 7th riding
Awarded the honor of Flame FN
All our heartfelt condolences to his family in this terrible ordeal.
The funeral will take place Saturday, November 13th at 14:30 to Fresnois-la-Montagne (54260)
Thursday, November 04, Pastor Blanchard, president of People for Social Action and has done me the honor to invite me to a marauding in Paris with Thierry Gourlot, Chairman of the Regional Council FN Lorraine. is the first time I attended such an experience with this servant of God who put the office at the end of his ideas and with a handful of volunteers with the benevolent sponsorship of Jany Le Pen, has traveled to Paris to help poorest.
Formerly was called bums who slept on the street today because this word has a pejorative connotation, one speaks modestly of homeless. Behind the net there is an increase of excluded homeless, 10,000 of which 3,000 in the capital in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris.
From the Porte d'Italie at 21:00 we toured the various districts of the capital, much of the night. I have with Thierry, the pastor and his devoted wife Catherine bring clothes, shoes, soup, coffee, tins of sardines to the homeless and especially a little comfort to those in the margins of a opulent society, near the stately buildings live in poverty a tent, a box or sometimes on the floor. All were against us, a great recognition because we spend some time talking with them. What struck me is the poor health, lack of hygiene or for some other instead as Yves trying a pair of shoes, socks immaculate. Especially loneliness, isolation of these abandoned people seeking refuge in alcohol or drugs and above all the modesty of these huge flayed life fatalistic about their situation. Shame on our society, government UMP, the socialist mayor Delanoe. How can we accept that global immigration law has (a subsidized housing, free medical care to), while many French are in the street.
Thus, in our random night wanderings, we met with Francis, a native of Lorraine, a native of Nancy, an orphan by birth who, after serving in the army of France, today to remain a single carton and as the companion in misfortune "plonk". It held, after we have recounted his life of misery, including the daily pressures of city police to make him leave its territory, to have their picture taken with fellow Lorraine.
The National Front is at a crossroads and its future will play out as much politically and socially. Until he came to power and take effective measures should help the work of this charity metapolitical either by donating time, money or providing clothing. I was able to put a blanket knitted by a grandmother As Victor Hugo wrote in Eighty-Thirteen: "You want the miserable rescued me, I deleted the misery."
when National Front is in power, can combat the causes of economic but also social precariousness supporting associations focused, which will provide financial and moral support to our compatriots in reducing subsidies for associations dedicated to immigration and enforcing national preference. Jean-Luc
Central Committee Member Vice-Chairperson FN Regional Council of Lorraine
Thursday, November 04, Pastor Blanchard, president of People for Social Action and has done me the honor to invite me to a marauding in Paris with Thierry Gourlot, Chairman of the Regional Council FN Lorraine. is the first time I attended such an experience with this servant of God who put the office at the end of his ideas and with a handful of volunteers with the benevolent sponsorship of Jany Le Pen, has traveled to Paris to help poorest.
Formerly was called bums who slept on the street today because this word has a pejorative connotation, one speaks modestly of homeless. Behind the net there is an increase of excluded homeless, 10,000 of which 3,000 in the capital in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris.
From the Porte d'Italie at 21:00 we toured the various districts of the capital, much of the night. I have with Thierry, the pastor and his devoted wife Catherine bring clothes, shoes, soup, coffee, tins of sardines to the homeless and especially a little comfort to those in the margins of a opulent society, near the stately buildings live in poverty a tent, a box or sometimes on the floor. All were against us, a great recognition because we spend some time talking with them. What struck me is the poor health, lack of hygiene or for some other instead as Yves trying a pair of shoes, socks immaculate. Especially loneliness, isolation of these abandoned people seeking refuge in alcohol or drugs and above all the modesty of these huge flayed life fatalistic about their situation. Shame on our society, government UMP, the socialist mayor Delanoe. How can we accept that global immigration law has (a subsidized housing, free medical care to), while many French are in the street.
Thus, in our random night wanderings, we met with Francis, a native of Lorraine, a native of Nancy, an orphan by birth who, after serving in the army of France, today to remain a single carton and as the companion in misfortune "plonk". It held, after we have recounted his life of misery, including the daily pressures of city police to make him leave its territory, to have their picture taken with fellow Lorraine.
The National Front is at a crossroads and its future will play out as much politically and socially. Until he came to power and take effective measures should help the work of this charity metapolitical either by donating time, money or providing clothing. I was able to put a blanket knitted by a grandmother As Victor Hugo wrote in Eighty-Thirteen: "You want the miserable rescued me, I deleted the misery."
when National Front is in power, can combat the causes of economic but also social precariousness supporting associations focused, which will provide financial and moral support to our compatriots in reducing subsidies for associations dedicated to immigration and enforcing national preference. Jean-Luc
Central Committee Member Vice-Chairperson FN Regional Council of Lorraine
part of the internal campaign to elect a new president to head National Front at the 14th Congress on 15 and 16 January 2011 in Tours, Marine Le Pen had invited members of Meurthe-et-Moselle had could meet at Metz, October 9, to discuss with his representative in Laxou Nicolas BAY.
With Jean-Luc MANOURY, president of the Support Committee and senior departmental departmental Serge TAFTA, Jacques Bardy, Monique GOOD, THE Lardic Christopher Lionel INQUA, fifty people responded to this. It was an opportunity fruitful exchanges with attentive room during the discussion and record aperitif 7 accessions.
Video of the press conference online and video of the speech of Nicolas Bay Online
part of the internal campaign to elect a new president to head National Front at the 14th Congress on 15 and 16 January 2011 in Tours, Marine Le Pen had invited members of Meurthe-et-Moselle had could meet at Metz, October 9, to discuss with his representative in Laxou Nicolas BAY.
With Jean-Luc MANOURY, president of the Support Committee and senior departmental departmental Serge TAFTA, Jacques Bardy, Monique GOOD, THE Lardic Christopher Lionel INQUA, fifty people responded to this. It was an opportunity fruitful exchanges with attentive room during the discussion and record aperitif 7 accessions.
Video of the press conference online and video of the speech of Nicolas Bay Online
Many consumers and traders of medical supplies are frequently in situations in which they seek to dispose of large surpluses. This affects the entire structure of the industry and the relationships between the different branches, from manufacturer to end user. Indeed, it can happen to both manufacturers and hospitals or clinics to be in possession of significant stocks of supplies unnecessary.
These organizations often have no choice but to register these supplies as unnecessary deadweight losses or worse, because they occupy a storage space that is far from free. Is there a way for these organizations reduce their losses and sell their surplus? They would be only too happy to resolve this problem. , the most important platform for online market used medical equipment, further widens the scope of its activities by offering the possibility today of buying and selling of entire stocks of medical supplies bulk. This addition follows a steady demand from buyers and sellers worldwide.
vendors of medical supplies are enjoying the new option on MedWOW and liquidation of entire stocks of medical supplies such as gloves, bandages, syringes, medical garments, swabs, surgical gowns, lancets, scalpels and other medical supplies sold in bulk. By class, these supplies may be new, reconditioned or used.
addition, sellers may also accelerate the turnover of sales in addition to the description of a video clip sections, eliminating the need to send samples to prospective buyers before selling.
As for buyers, this new feature MedWOW allows them to centralize their purchases of medical supplies, rather than going to different suppliers for different products. Their chances of finding exactly what they want are excellent, as vendors from around the world offer their supplies on this site.
With the inauguration of the branch of medical supplies, MedWOW still progressing towards its goal of establishing a link between all sellers and all buyers of medical equipment, spares and accessories Used in the world.
Many consumers and traders of medical supplies are frequently in situations in which they seek to dispose of large surpluses. This affects the entire structure of the industry and the relationships between the different branches, from manufacturer to end user. Indeed, it can happen to both manufacturers and hospitals or clinics to be in possession of significant stocks of supplies unnecessary.
These organizations often have no choice but to register these supplies as unnecessary deadweight losses or worse, because they occupy a storage space that is far from free. Is there a way for these organizations reduce their losses and sell their surplus? They would be only too happy to resolve this problem. , the most important platform for online market used medical equipment, further widens the scope of its activities by offering the possibility today of buying and selling of entire stocks of medical supplies bulk. This addition follows a steady demand from buyers and sellers worldwide.
vendors of medical supplies are enjoying the new option on MedWOW and liquidation of entire stocks of medical supplies such as gloves, bandages, syringes, medical garments, swabs, surgical gowns, lancets, scalpels and other medical supplies sold in bulk. By class, these supplies may be new, reconditioned or used.
addition, sellers may also accelerate the turnover of sales in addition to the description of a video clip sections, eliminating the need to send samples to prospective buyers before selling.
As for buyers, this new feature MedWOW allows them to centralize their purchases of medical supplies, rather than going to different suppliers for different products. Their chances of finding exactly what they want are excellent, as vendors from around the world offer their supplies on this site.
With the inauguration of the branch of medical supplies, MedWOW still progressing towards its goal of establishing a link between all sellers and all buyers of medical equipment, spares and accessories Used in the world.