Intervention at the Regional Council of Lorraine during the plenary of 27 and 28 January 2011
Mr. President, Dear colleagues, I listened
the words of each other but the results should lead to more modesty on your part. The Lorraine
just beat a record, it appears in the vanguard of French regions of the unemployed and precarious. Director of the center Employment Lorraine Nancy indeed came to announce officially, the figure of 145,000 job seekers in early this year while 94,000 were unemployed in 2008. Let
more than 51,000 unemployed in 2 years.
The economic and social situation would be more dramatic without the 75,000 working in Luxembourg Lorraine also knows that 6.5% of its workforce unemployed and 21,112 assisted contracts signed.
And in those gray clouds piling up in the sky Lorraine you write in the preamble to the 2011 budget that Lorraine has confronted and mastered three of the great fears of humanity.
The fear of fire in the Lorraine tamed by incandescent lava blast furnaces.
Fear Taming of the night by getting coal and iron ore in the bowels of the night.
The fear of others by hosting on its soil in its businesses, its schools, those from elsewhere.
True Lorraine is this wealth of exceptional human qualities, assets and tools are nothing without women and men who represent them, wear them and run them.
But there is a new fear is fear of unemployment in this once prosperous French region. The fathers of Europe, we had bragged the European Coal and Steel but there is more coal and nearly as much steel in Lorraine and iron ore is now imported from Mauritania.
is why the Planning Content in Axis 4 for me is the heart of regional action since the lever is actually structuring of our economic development and I am sorry he is placed in a axis tote mixed with culture, sport and health.
What ambition have you for Lorraine?
There is no real description of your requirements, or an expression of your will.
Thus, there is a major issue for sustaining the words of the EESC at 15-20 years, a steel industry in Lorraine is the ULCOS capture of C02 but while this project is presented in early February in Brussels, we do know not to date the positioning of the Lorraine region but you have this morning made an initial response with an envelope of possible 10 million euros.
Certainly the Lorraine region made a significant effort in the field of research and innovation and another example of the ethylene pipeline is a major issue in economic development and sustainability Lorraine chemistry but is not addressed in this budget. We would like President
that you take a position on this project that deserves your attention and which could be a criterion for judging the reality of your volunteerism in the maintenance industry.
The third structural projects is on page 110! It is still not much.
I still want to talk about the station which boosted Vandières alone program authorizations of more than 90% but it is not really an innovative project.
Especially since this is accompanied by a decrease 60% of program authorizations for the transport infrastructure including rail infrastructure.
A word of the cultural component included in the axis 4 which jumped more than 17 million at least for commitment authority with over 95%! We would like to know what justifies such an expense, impossible to know from reading your memorandum vague and hazy.
The only certainty is that once again the actions affect a minority of Lorraine, the subsidized crop is thought to an elite that is not yet in financial difficulty.
Finally it is interesting that the board economic, social and environmental stresses the same thing the National Front when he speaks of the weakness of targeted measures for youth employment.
So many young people to contact me every day I said to them, do not be afraid of fire, night, on the other, or unemployment, enter in hope. We want to restore national sovereignty by leaving the stifling strictures and destroyer of Brussels where we were locked in spite of us and denies us any leeway in entire fields of political action: money, legislation, control our borders, immigration management. Sovereignty is not an old moon to mind nostalgic but it is the nation that freedom is the individual.
Europe from Brussels has imposed throughout the destructive principles of ultra-liberalism and free trade to the detriment of public services, employment, social equity and even our economic growth, now in twenty years, the world's lowest.
Mr. President failing to engage your elected officials for major structural projects to those who create wealth in Lorraine such as the pipeline that I discussed earlier thank you for listen if you hear me. Jean-Luc
MANOURY, Vice-Chairperson FN
Plenary Sessions 28-29 January, JL inter MANOURY (FN)
sent Front54 . - The News International video.