* 350 grams of zucchini (about 2)
* 100 grs of onions
* 1 pinch of Espelette
* 100 grams of grated cheese
* salt, pepper
* 250 grs de Saint-Nectaire
* 150 grams of ham
* 5 eggs
Preheat oven to 180 ° C and place the Flexipat on the perforated plate.
Grate the zucchini, in a cul-de-poule, whisk the eggs

and spread the mixture on the Flexipat, bake for 20 minutes.
Cut into strips Saint-Nectaire. Remove from the oven, turn on the Silpat and spread the slices on the surface of cheese and ham, cut into pieces. Roll tightly in the Silpat and place in oven for 5 min. until cheese melts.
Serve with a salad.

It is good, we prefer the rolled-tartiflette (right in photo) but the zucchini has the advantage of being "lighter".
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