Other names: red lettuce, onagraire grass-to-asses
Edible parts: leaves basal
-serve vegetable and can be added to soups and stews.
-roots nutritious and tasty are eaten more commonly. They can be boiled like carrots or other root crops, or to any of the ingredients of a soup, sauce or stew. Do not use the roots of the first year, that is to say those of a plant that does not flower. It is recommended to boil in lightly salted water that will be changed once and peel just before serving. Their taste is somewhat similar to walnut.
Evening primrose is one of the few plants native to our continent that we have intentionally introduced into Europe and Asia as a vegetable. Appeared for the first time on these continents in the seventeenth century, it is there now well established and cultivated for its medicinal and nutritional qualities and for its beauty as a garden plant.
The English call it a long time " King's cure-all or panacea Royal because of its effectiveness against colds. It has long been done in Europe in a special tea for this purpose yet. We know people who value this remedy to the point of picking the primrose each year to help fight winter colds. It is recommended to infuse 5 ml (1 tsp) of leaves and stalks finely chopped and dried in 250 ml (1 cup) boiling water and drink this infusion. Previously, we used an ointment primrose leaves to treat various skin conditions like eczema.
Recipe Grilled Oysters the evening primrose, fashionable West Coast
250 ml / 1 cup of evening primrose roots
30 ml / 2 tsp
tablespoons butter 125 ml / ½ cup sherry
12 oysters fresh garlic Salt
Lemon juice Peel the roots, cover with salted water (once you change to remove the taste pepper) and boil until tender.
Drain and chop.
Sauté 3 minutes in butter, add the sherry and set aside.
Clean oysters and put them in the open oven 180C (350F) 3 to 5 minutes depending on size.
Remove from oven and cover each oyster with the roots.
Sprinkle with garlic salt and bread crumbs, and brown.
Take a few drops of lemon juice before serving.
Serve hot as appetizer geule.
Recipe Racine primrose Curry: Serves 4 12
primrose roots, well developed
45 ml / 3 tbsp
tablespoons butter 30 ml / 2 tsp soup curry
Salt to taste Peel
roots, cover with salted water (once you change to remove the peppery taste) and boil until tender.
Drain and slice.
Melt the butter in a heavy pan, add the root, curry powder and salt, stirring until the roots are coated with curry.
Simmer for 15 minutes.
Serve hot with any meat dish.
Recipe primrose Mushroom Sauce: Makes 2 servings
6 evening primrose roots well developed
125 ml / ½ cup sliced mushrooms, fresh or canned
30 ml / 2 tsp
tablespoons butter 250 ml / 1 cup red table wine
Salt, pepper and garlic salt to taste Peel
roots, cover with salted water (once you change to remove the taste pepper) and boil until tender.
Drain and slice.
In a heavy skillet, melt butter and add the roots and fungi.
Drizzle wine and cook until the liquid is reduced by half.
Season to taste and serve warm with steak or any beef dish.
Edible parts: leaves basal
-serve vegetable and can be added to soups and stews.
-roots nutritious and tasty are eaten more commonly. They can be boiled like carrots or other root crops, or to any of the ingredients of a soup, sauce or stew. Do not use the roots of the first year, that is to say those of a plant that does not flower. It is recommended to boil in lightly salted water that will be changed once and peel just before serving. Their taste is somewhat similar to walnut.
Evening primrose is one of the few plants native to our continent that we have intentionally introduced into Europe and Asia as a vegetable. Appeared for the first time on these continents in the seventeenth century, it is there now well established and cultivated for its medicinal and nutritional qualities and for its beauty as a garden plant.
The English call it a long time " King's cure-all or panacea Royal because of its effectiveness against colds. It has long been done in Europe in a special tea for this purpose yet. We know people who value this remedy to the point of picking the primrose each year to help fight winter colds. It is recommended to infuse 5 ml (1 tsp) of leaves and stalks finely chopped and dried in 250 ml (1 cup) boiling water and drink this infusion. Previously, we used an ointment primrose leaves to treat various skin conditions like eczema.
Recipe Grilled Oysters the evening primrose, fashionable West Coast
250 ml / 1 cup of evening primrose roots
30 ml / 2 tsp
tablespoons butter 125 ml / ½ cup sherry
12 oysters fresh garlic Salt
Lemon juice Peel the roots, cover with salted water (once you change to remove the taste pepper) and boil until tender.
Drain and chop.
Sauté 3 minutes in butter, add the sherry and set aside.
Clean oysters and put them in the open oven 180C (350F) 3 to 5 minutes depending on size.
Remove from oven and cover each oyster with the roots.
Sprinkle with garlic salt and bread crumbs, and brown.
Take a few drops of lemon juice before serving.
Serve hot as appetizer geule.
Recipe Racine primrose Curry: Serves 4 12
primrose roots, well developed
45 ml / 3 tbsp
tablespoons butter 30 ml / 2 tsp soup curry
Salt to taste Peel
roots, cover with salted water (once you change to remove the peppery taste) and boil until tender.
Drain and slice.
Melt the butter in a heavy pan, add the root, curry powder and salt, stirring until the roots are coated with curry.
Simmer for 15 minutes.
Serve hot with any meat dish.
Recipe primrose Mushroom Sauce: Makes 2 servings
6 evening primrose roots well developed
125 ml / ½ cup sliced mushrooms, fresh or canned
30 ml / 2 tsp
tablespoons butter 250 ml / 1 cup red table wine
Salt, pepper and garlic salt to taste Peel
roots, cover with salted water (once you change to remove the taste pepper) and boil until tender.
Drain and slice.
In a heavy skillet, melt butter and add the roots and fungi.
Drizzle wine and cook until the liquid is reduced by half.
Season to taste and serve warm with steak or any beef dish.
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