For a small-frame:
For the cake: 3 eggs
* * 100 grs sugar
* 100 grams of flour

Preheat oven to 180 ° C (th .6). In a stainless bowl, whisk eggs and sugar. Put in double boiler, whisk until the mixture reaches 40 ° C. Remove from heat and continue beating until the mixture has tripled in volume.
Add the sifted flour gently. Put the mixture on a buttered baking sheet 35 cm * 25 cm covered of baking paper or Flexipat.
Bake 10-12 min. The cake is still quite pale, do not overcook the edges. Turn out after a few minutes.
For the syrup:
* 50 gms of water
* 62.5 grams of sugar
* 12.5 grams of raspberry liqueur
Boil water and sugar and add the liquor after cooling .
For mascarpone mousse: 375 gr mascarpone
* 4 eggs * 105 grs sugar
* 4 sheets of gelatin
Attention mascarpone should not be too cold, otherwise it will gelatin congeal too fast!
Separate the yolks from egg whites.
Soften gelatin in a bowl of cold water.
Whisk yolks with 85 grams of sugar until light. Add mascarpone and mix 2 min.
Add a pinch of salt to the whites until stiff and fit with the remaining sugar to tighten.
Heat 2 tablespoons of water in the microwave (do not boil) and then dissolve the softened gelatine. Add to mix the yolks and mix. Stir
then whites.
For the decoration of raspberry:

* 400 grams of fresh raspberries or thawed and drained
* 250 grams of dough almond pink
Cut 2 rectangles of the frame size.
Place the frame on the serving dish, line the tower tapes or parchment paper for easy removal rhodoïd and place a sponge you soak in syrup.
Put a little mascarpone mousse, pressing down well on the tour of the sponge to fill any small holes.
Arrange raspberries on bottom of cake. And garnish with the cream 3-4 tbsp for keeping the end.

Soak the second half of sponge cake (it should be a little smaller).
Place it on the cream and apply slight pressure to the cream happening on the sides. Spread the remaining cream in a thin layer to assist in maintaining the paste amades.
Refrigerate for at least 6 hours
For the decoration of strawberry: *
100-150 gms + 200 gms strawberries raspberries fresh or frozen (thawed and drained).
* 250 grams of marzipan pink

technique as for the raspberries, but before placing the fruit on the bottom of sponge cake, cut your strawberries in 2 and have all around the cake ( attention, they should not arrive at the top of the frame!). For corners, place a strawberry cut at 4. Put some cream on those fruits in insisting that the cream penetrates between each strawberry. Arrange the remaining fruit in the center and ...

Turn out the pudding.
Spread the almond paste a little icing sugar to prevent sticking to the work plan. Cut a rectangle in helping you frame and place on cake.
Spread the fingers around the edge to do well join the dough with cream.
Decorate with fresh raspberries, roses in marzipan, strawberry, candy ...

Result :
Beautiful and super good!
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